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25 Years of Pembleton Motor Company

Pembleton Motor Company

Updated: Nov 20, 2024

This year marks our 25th year manufacturing hand-built sportscars. To celebrate the milestone, back in August of this year we hosted an exclusive event for Pembleton owners at the historic motorsport venue of Shelsley Walsh nestled in rural Worcestershire just a few miles from HQ.

pembleton motor company has been manufacturing hand-built sports cars for 25 years
Shelsley Walsh was the venue that Phil Gregory (founder of Pembleton) held the outright motorbike record for 14 years prior to designing the first ever Pembleton, so it seemed like a fitting venue to host such a gathering

Owners gathered from all corners of the country, the furthest of which had travelled from Scotland, to celebrate with us. We awarded a handful of prizes for 'Best in Show, 'Highest Mileage (88,000), 'Best Exhaust Note', 'Most Original Specification' and of course to the winners of the Pembleton Quiz. The enthusiasm and atmosphere was a credit to our owners.

We counted some 50+ Pembletons on the day with ourselves bringing a handful of vehicles to display including 'Old Number One', a partially built V-Sport, our current T24 and V-Sport

demonstrators as well as Phils old racebike that had dominated the hill climb for so long.

phil gregory held the outright record at shelsley walsh for 14 years
The Gregory 1100
the very first pembleton
Pembleton Number One

It was truly a celebration of all things Pembleton and it was fantastic to see so many cars together all at once, matched only by the friendly faces and enthusiasm for the brand.

See the gallery below for a snapshot of the event before the owners set out on a drive throughout the local scenery before reconvening at the local tap house. Here's to the next 25 years.

We'd like to thank everyone who attended and brought their precious vehicles with them for a great day and great atmosphere.

a hartland green pembleton t24 cornering
Pembleton T24 Cornering

To be part of the next 25 years, book a test drive and get behind the wheel of our latest demonstrators.

To get the look, check out our 25th Anniversary merchandise

pembleton 25th anniversary logo
Celebrating 25 Years



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Phone - 01299 832304

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Pembleton Motor Company Ltd,  Bayton,  Kidderminster,  Worcestershire,  DY14 9LP


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